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Welcome to jean-lovely-heaven.blogspot.com
Saturday, May 02, 2009Y

Congrats to my COUSIN n WIFE..
Finally tie a knot after 7 years on 5th May 2009..
Such a sweet couple..
it has been a very long time...
hmmm since dunno which yr back is the last gathering..
last night was really fun..
Majority of the cousins are at the wedding dinner..
took alot alot of pictures too..
the old the young the senior citzen.. lols..
well dinner was held at M HOTEL at Tanjong Pagar..
Food was quite ok..
not the best but still edible..
out of 10 i will rate 6 and a half..
dinner end at about 11pm..
the we are the last to leave the place..
next what i'm gonna say is........
headed to party world at shenton way to celebrate baby's birthday..
my cousins majority join us..
it was fun.. but it was a last mintue desicion..
so i didn't order a cake..
but thanks to Fong mei, Seow Cui and Alex..
they found a cake shop that open 24 hrs...
really a big THANK YOU.. love you cousins..
our ktv session ends at about 4am..
by the time reach home is already 4.30 like that..
but it was really enjoyable..
took alot of photos but not ready to upload yet..
maybe will upload in a few days time...
=D !....

ends at 6:20 AM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009Y

oh my god..
i've almost forgotten that i've blog..
its dead for dunno how many months already..
haha.. hopefully i can update everyday..
but it seems like i'm very lazy..
how's my life??? hmmmm..
things going very well for baby and i..
as for work,
i'm very satisfied with my work but.....
hmm.. hope things are ok..
just that really worrying about things that gonna happen..
probably i'm thinking too much..
if really things are going to happen as what i guess,
i'm ready to handle it.. i won't give face..
i really can't wait for the day to come..
i wanna see what are their plans..
it keep bothering me so much..
i believe is not only me who get bothered..

ends at 4:51 AM

Sunday, December 07, 2008Y

last update is on SEPTEMBER and now is already DEC..
Well time passes so fast..
X'mas is approaching follow by New Year..
Another Year had pass.. thats very fast..
In this Year 2008 like waste alot of time..
Especially looking for a suitable JOB..
And finally i found one..
Yes and i'm working in National University Hospital now..
Went for the interview and very sucessful..
Very Interesting Job.. Work as Patient Care Associate..
Basically is assit Doctors not NURSE..
alot of people thought i'm working as a NURSE..
my job scope is not so complicated as a NURSE..
i was posted to the Private Specialist Clinic..
learn alot of things..
for the pass one week i was having training and orientation..
The orientation was very fun as well as a little boring.. haas..
i fall asleep in serveral lessons..
but i'm not the only one..
get to know many colleagues from other deparments..
they were humorous and fun..
Still having training this week.. and after this week back to work..
a little TURN DOWN.. lols..
anyway.. i came to realise that working in the society is not easy..
well becos there are all sorts of people..
i don't want to talk so much about this..
Especially in our work place..
what i can say is that "Mind our own business"..
Tommorow is a working day again..
Think back about it, i misses school days..
i want to go school go school..
i want to sleep in class then sleep..
Have long Holidays...
now must see when then can take leave..
must plan when then can go for holidays..
haas... I want to go back to school days..
FUN !!..
This coming week gonna meet up SHAN and JAC..
It has been so long since we meet up..
looking very forward to meet them..

ends at 11:07 PM

Tuesday, September 02, 2008Y

didn't really have the time to update my blog..
cos everyday work and work..
reach home kind of tired already..
Mom's birthday is few days back..
bro got her a cake from secret recipe..
All Chocolate.. haas..
my favourites..
i intend to get my mom a washing machine as a gift..
but this month is a little tight..
so maybe wait till next month..
i'm like really lazy to update..
lying on the bed waiting for baby to come back from work..
Dunno why this few days like to hear retro songs..
i enjoy listening..
baby and i are planning for a holiday again..
but dunno where to go..
but i can't wait for the day to come..
cos being with him is so happy and enjoyable..

someone really gets on my nerves last few days..
if you are from HYSS you will for sure to know this person..
this person really sucks to the core...
never see such person before..
i'm not afraid to let pple knoe that he is a guy..
a guy who borrow pple money and deny that he borrowed..
and want to settle it the debts in $50,
when he borrowed much more..
dragging for months and months..
saying will pay the follwing month and in the end denied..
know what i LOOK REALLY SUPER DOWN on this kind of pple..
Worst then a girl.. i really cannot tahan this kind of pple..
Don let me see you on street.. GOOD LUCK!!
i will for sure make you lose face..
i know your EGO big.. its ok for me..
i will never let you off..
is not becos of the amount of money..
is the fucking attitude you give..
Wait and see what will happen when you step on my nerve..
wish you a VERY GOOD LUCK fucker!!

i'm apologise for the vulgar words..
i'm a person who don't really scold vulgar language unless i'm very pissed off..
so imagine how dulan am i..
Blood pressure sure rise.. lols..
well i stop here.. must have an early night..

ends at 9:51 PM

Sunday, August 24, 2008Y

rain and rain and rain for the past few days..
i'm looking forward for work tmr..
hopefully it wont rain in the morning..
otherwise, i dunno how am i gonna walk to lakeside..

something happen on friday..
i was at s11 at taman jurong..
around 1am like that with baby and his friend..
what happen was....
there's this group of CHINA guys..
Around 7 to 8 guys..
Drink beer of cos and got DRUNK..
So there there's one guy, i name it X,
scold the other guy (i name it Y) mom..
"Pu Nin Ah Bor" in Hokkien..
lols..and Y got to "HOT" ,
wanna start a fight with X..
already holding the tiger bottle..
so as expected their friends will hold X and Y back,
to prevent the fight..
so X got pulled away, but Y is still very "buay Song"..
keep scolding Vulgar language..
so heard what Y scolding, got fed up..
use the key to poke Y..
and of cos their friends hold them back..
so here comes the fight..and know what,
baby, his fren and i were just sittingless then 1 m from them..
and at that time baby and his fren were drink beer too..
some more just ordered 2 new bottles..
baby reaction was so fast..
the moment baby took the 2 FILLED bottle up,
then Y dash up to our table, trying to get the bottles to hit X..
it was the table i sit,everything were smash..
2 bottles of empty bottle were broken,
one full glass of beer were smash..
my drink were all topple down..
then here comes the HERO..
there is this guy i think is taman jurong "old ah beng"
,who is somebody there take a empty tiger bottle,
smash on the table and ask the CHINA guys to leave..
wah!! so shock leh..
the CHINA guys i think scare..
awhile later they go to the bus-stop..
still non stop quarrelling..
what's most funny is that after 20-30 mins,
police then come..
by the time,those people already left.. -.-"!!
i thought it was quite funny..
dun know why..
maybe becos the way they talk and quarrel..
we are so bad..
after they left we kept laughing..
keep imitating them..hahaxx..
anyway this is to teach a lesson that,don sit near big groups of drinkers..
cos you may not know what will happen..


i've gave the present to baby..

i bought a self- ahensive photo album..
wash out the photos..
use glitter to write on the words and design..
baby kind of like it..but like nothing to him leh..
maybe guys are like that dunno how to express themselve..its not a simple task to do..
you gotta wait for the glitter to dry on every pagebefore you can do on the next page..
it took around 2 weeks to finsh the album..
i put all my heart and soul into it.. haas..

ends at 2:08 AM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008Y


1) Dad is recovering quite well..
2) i've got a job!! start work on monday..
3) Going to complete the present for baby..
4) Have a Wonderful celebrarion with baby..
5) Mom cooked CURRY and BIRDNEST!! yUMMy


Bad things to Grumble..

1) Having Rashes for a few days.. ITCHY!!
should say being bitten by dunno wad bug!! zzzz.. Grrrr!!!
2) My computer SOT SOT!! keep auto shut down.. PISSed!!
3) Baby got scald by boiling water is still not yet recover..

Well i dunno what is wrong with me..
Using computer for typing for sometimes,
my shoulder feel so ache and pain..
went to consult a doctor already but it seems no use..
i'm wondering how on monday..
working at PIL (Pacific International Lines) ..
Facing the computer for the whole day..
well.. i decided to re-take my 'o' levels again..
Because i came to realise that,
even if you have credit in all subjects EXCEPT english and Mathematics,
its a useless certificate..
many courses out there aren't suitable for me..
but nvm.. at least i've woke up and came to realise it..
waiting for next year in-take of private students..
As the same for last year i'll take up night classes..
but this time i intend to retake my english and mathematics only..
but what now most important is money..
i need to learn how to save every month..
enough of rest and fun..
i must drag myself out of my comfort zone..

ends at 2:19 AM

Sunday, August 17, 2008Y

he's my idol when i was 12 yrs old
Nicky bryne

baby.. tgt with you for a year already..
and thats very fast..
i hope that it will be never ending..
feel so love and bless with baby around..
hmm.. was doing baby present just now..
couldn't finish it on time to give him..
Sorry baby.. give me few more days to finsish it ok..
hees.. you will sure to like it..
i was just logging onto youtube..
then suddenly have the feel of listening to westlife songs..
their songs are so nice..
especially the first and coast to coast album..
i think for this 2 album i know all the songs.. haa..
so i went on and on to watch the MTV..
haha.. i'm a big fan of westlife when i was young..
Nicky bryne my favourite member in the band..
i find him so so handsome and cute.. haha..
with long hair will be much more charming..
yaya crazy me.. lols..
when i was in my 11-13 years old,
i rmb i have tons of collection of westlife..
magazines, posters...
end up, my mom didn't ask for my consent she threw it away..
how angry was i..
spent alot of monet on it..
and can you imagine when you are in primary school,
our pocket money is not alot..
and you gotta save up to buy those magzines and poster...
haha.. but come to think of it is rather childish of me..
hmm.. how i wish i am still a kid..
need not worry for this and that..
the older i am the more money i spent..
nvm.. hopefully later my interview goes well..
then i can start work soon.. ;)

ends at 3:11 AM